Friday, September 24, 2010

Turtles in the haze

One of our recent dives was particularly murky as we rolled unenthusiastically into a lagoon site. The area was actually a wall that ended in a sandy bottom at 25'. Even with the shallow depth, we weren't able to see the bottom until we were within 10 feet of it. The wall was covered in algae and cyanobacteria, a type of algae that looks like snot and grows in areas with a lot of nutrients. So I wasn't expecting much from the dive. But I dutifully took out my camera, intent on finding some redeeming quality to the site. I found a small cave where the sun was shining in the perfect direction to throw the fish into silhouette. So while waiting for my buddy to get situated, I positioned myself within a few feet of the mouth of the cave to try for some interesting photos. I was doing this for at least five minutes before I noticed that sitting in the cave and watching me intently was a turtle. The visibility was bad enough that unless you looked closely, you couldn't see him. I happily snapped a few pictures before he headed off into the murky haze.

I hope you are having a wonderful evening.
Take care,

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