Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cinnamon Roll Wake Up

Monk Seals at Kure Atoll have nothing to do with cinnamon rolls, but I still liked the picture.
I woke early this morning not to an alarm but to the ship making headway both vertically and horizontally through a large swell. We have thankfully been spoiled on this cruise and the weather has been wonderfully calm. However this morning was a reminder that we may see rougher weather ahead and that my bunk is situated as far forward on the ship as possible. This is important because unlike on a bus, the bumpiest part of the ship is the bow and the more stable bunks can be found at the stern or rear of the ship. Ben always says that he sleeps better with the gentle rocking of the waves but I can never understand that. However my early wakeup call on a transit day was excused by the wonderful smell of fresh baked cinnamon rolls wafting down the hall (my room is also very close to the galley). So I started my day with cinnamony goodness and I have been continuing it with catchup computer work, partially conducted on my laptop while sitting outside and watching the endless blue drift past.

We have one transit day and then three more days of diving at Lisianski before our transit back to Honolulu. It's been a great trip so far and I'm a little sad that it is drawing so close to its end. Although you rarely have privacy on the ship (40 people all within 240 feet of you), I love the simplicity of the routine and the vastness of the horizon stretching out in all directions. I'll miss this when I'm back in the hustle and bustle of life on land.

I hope you are having a wonderful day and that cinnamon rolls are somewhere in your future.
Take care,

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