Friday, March 12, 2010


Ofu (left) and Olosega (right) Islands
It may seem strange to get so excited about food but there was a visible change in morale when the Chief Steward pulled up to the dock with a passenger van full of fresh fruit and vegetables. After 3 weeks without fruit and 2 without fresh vegetables, many of us had resorted to powdered 'Miracle Greens' in place of the real thing. So the excitement was palpable as we carried in boxes of broccoli, nectarines, bell peppers and the like. Yesterday we feasted on chef salad and today for breakfast it was cantaloupe and pineapple. Although I know this probably won't last much longer, it will help me make it through the last few weeks of the cruise. I'm already craving what we'll have for dinner on March 29th!

As for other news, we are now at Ofu and Olosega, more islands that are part of American Samoa. We will be working between here and Tau for the next few days, depending on the winds. Yesterday the winds were howling and all the boats sheltered in the lee, including the Hi'ialakai. We are all hoping for calmer seas for the last 12 dive days for this leg of the cruise.

I hope you are doing well. Take care,

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