Sunday, March 7, 2010

Unexplored South Bank!

Today we will have the opportunity to explore a submerged atoll (ring of coral around a central lagoon) that until last week, we didn't know existed. Local fisherman have been visiting South Bank for a long time but no one realized that it was anything more than a slightly shallower spot in the ocean, 70 miles from Tutuila. We mapped this area while we were here last to see if there were any points that were within diving range. We found that there is a narrow band, about 5 miles long, on one side of the atoll, with a minimum depth of 80 feet. So we will be sending teams of divers down to do preliminary surveys. It should be exciting as there is no clear idea of what actually exists there.

Due to the unknown conditions, we are taking every precaution to be safe. There will be 5 divers from our small boat and two surface buoys marking our positions at all times. We will carry the buoys with us so if for some reason we have to leave the reef, the boat will be able to follow us. Also, within our buddy teams, we will be staying within a few feet of each other at all times.

I am excited to explore an area that no one has been to before. Hopefully I will be able to get some good photos to post. Wish us luck for good visibility and good habitat.

Take care,

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