Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Land Ho – well, sort of

At 2:45pm on March 31, the island of Guam was sited off our starboard bow, however I think I will have to wait a few more hours to actually be able to see anything distinct. It still looks like a dark spot on the horizon and if you use your imagination and squint, you could make out a palm tree or two. Not really, but you can start to make out some of the mountains (the picture was taken much later). This sighting comes as sort of a bittersweet tease. I have been spending the last 3 days working on the computer for 10-12 hours each day and I have another 48 hours until work is done. This might not sound that difficult until I mention that our desks are in a 20x20 room with 12 other people (and the associated conversations), music often coming from one or more computers and a ping pong table 3 feet behind me. Today I have been ducking paddles and balls consistently since 9am and I must say that the amount of work I’ve gotten done is remarkably small. At this point, even with the use of earplugs, I would pay for a bit of peace and quiet that hopefully the island will provide. As soon as all my work and dives are done and I can get off on my own in Guam, I will hopefully be gone, not to see anyone from the ship for a good 36 hours. If I’m really lucky, Ben will have time to come with me. I must not be the only person feeling the need of some solitude. I just heard a conversation between two scientists that included: “Please just don’t talk to or interact with me for the rest of the day.” This was said to one of our more vociferous personnel. In the year that I’ve known this person, it has been extremely rare to see and not hear her. I have even heard her talking underwater - I didn’t know that could be done, but I guess she was determined.
For now I will get back to work. I hope you are having a wonderful, quiet morning.
Take care,

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