Thursday, March 19, 2009

Entering the Realm of the Golden Dragon

Know All Ye by These Presents: and to all Pirates of the Yellow Seas and other Derelicts of Far Eastern Seas, Greetings:

Know Ye on the 17th of March 2009, within the boundaries of my Dragonic Realm there appeared the Good Ship Hi’ialakai.
Be It Known: That the said renowned vessel crossed the 180th Meridian in Latitude 21 degrees. And all her Officers and Crew have been duly inspected and found qualified by my Venerable Court. It is therefore, My privilege to proclaim, with all the authority of my sphere of influence, that Cristi Richards has been found worthy to be granted membership in my domain, the Silent Occult Mysteries of the Far East and be it further understood: That the above named is now a member of my August Retinue and is therefore entitled to all the Rights and Privileges accorded such personages.
Disobey this order under penalty of our Royal Displeasure.
His Dragonic Majesty

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations sojourners to the west ... but where is the certificate with YOUR name on it?? That's the important one after all.
